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Why I chose to become a Personal Trainer…

I have been asked many times over the years ‘why did you decide to become a personal trainer? There wasn’t just one thing that inspired me to begin training to become a personal trainer. Rather than bore people with my life story I tend to just tell them the main reason, which is quite simply because I thought I would enjoy it and would be pretty good at it. Now if you are one of those poor few who didn’t get the short answer and had to listen to me drone on about how my journey began I do apologise. Although I’m probably going to do a little of that again now!!!

The article is partly about why I became a qualified personal trainer but also why I think you should become a qualified personal trainer too.

My journey to become a personal trainer

Ok so just quickly let me tell you about the first time the idea came to me. I was 16 years old and sitting in the careers office at Cardinal Newman School, Hove, West Sussex, completing a questionnaire on the computer which resulted in career suggestions based on the answers I gave to all of the questions. There must have been over 100 questions but when I was finally finished it made just three suggestions:

  • P.E teacher
  • Join the army
  • Fitness Instructor

I dismissed the first two pretty quick and I had no idea what a fitness instructor was.

“We didn’t have Google back then so I read the brief description which sounded pretty cool but I wasn’t  a great deal wiser for it.”

I didn’t pursue it any further and ended up choosing a course in graphic design as I liked drawing. The course was actually cancelled at the last minute due to a low number of enrolments so I had to quickly choose something else. I chose health and social care because that’s what a few of my friends were doing. I didn’t enjoy it at all and wasted the best part of two years on it and still came out with no qualification. I then tried a city and guilds course at Northbrook College in motor vehicle repair and maintenance which was ok. I finished it with a distinction but felt I still hadn’t found my passion.

After finishing at Northbrook in the summer I wanted to earn some money so my mum suggested I hand my CV into lancing leisure centre to see if I could get some summer work there. They offered me some casual recreation assistant shifts almost immediately and I began working there full time for the summer. Even though there was a lot of cleaning involved I really enjoyed it. I loved the atmosphere of working in a sports centre and I got on really well with all of the staff.

This is also where I discovered the gym (by the way I am 18 at this point)!

I use to go into the gym in my lunch break to lift weights and very quickly started to see my body changing. I remember the buzz like it was yesterday. It felt great and I started to read up on everything I could to do with health and fitness. The more I read and trained the more interested I became until eventually, I decided in September to do a diploma in health-related fitness and exercise at Chichester college. I loved the course and I loved the industry and the rest is history as they say.

So why should you become a qualified personal trainer?

If you can answer YES to most of the following questions then I think you should become a personal trainer for the same reason I did, because I think you will enjoy it and I think you will be pretty good at it!

  • Are you passionate about health and exercise?
  • Have you felt the benefits yourself from engaging in regular exercise and living a healthy lifestyle?
  • Do you get enjoyment out of helping others?
  • Would you like a job where you are moving for most of your day instead of sitting still?
  • Would you like a job that gives you the opportunity to work outdoors too?
  • Would you like a job that gives you the opportunity to be your own boss?
  • Would you like to control your own working hours?
  • Would you like a job that challenges you without being stressed?
  • Would you like a job that feels rewarding and gives a positive contribution to society?

If you can answer YES to any of these questions, get in touch for a chat…

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Finding a job you enjoy and feel passionate about is priceless. For most of us work takes up a large portion of our day so why not spend your day doing something you enjoy?

Stay active folks 💪

Personal Training Success Tips

If you Google ‘personal training success tips’ you will get over 367,000,000 search results. Where do you start? The amount of information is overwhelming and varies from one source to the next. Also, the term success is very subjective. Success to one PT may mean making a six-figure salary, but to another PT it might mean getting paid an average salary but thoroughly enjoying what they do.  I often write about what helps drive PTs to be successful but the truth is it is not just one thing, it is not even a few things. It is the combination of several things done well and consistently over time. If you аrе entering thе profession of personal trаіnіng, іt іѕ a time оf grоwth аnd орроrtunіtу. The public are becoming forever more health-conscious and need our help. However, there is also a hugе іnflux of nеw реrѕоnаl trаіnеrѕ іntо thе іnduѕtrу, whісh means іnсrеаѕеd соmреtіtіоn. For you to be successful you must work hard to stand out from the competition but more importantly work smart.

Driving Personal Training Success


If you really want personal training success you need to take action. Self-directed learning through reading, listening to books and podcasts are great for helping you create a plan for success but that’s all. It is your actions that are the most important. If you take nothing else away from this article then at least take this away. Thinking is fine, acting is better.


A service-based business like PT requires a high lеvеl of professionalism.

  • Be consistent with your delivery.
  • Where a clean, presentable branded uniform.
  • Manage your time well and always be punctual.
  • Manage your client’s expectations with a signed personal training agreement.


Operate with a pre-pay policy. You саn establish thіѕ undеrѕtаndіng durіng thе initial соnѕultаtіоn with your client. Yоu might bе surprised to knоw that mоѕt clients will fіnd it соnvеnіеnt to make one large payment реr month іnѕtеаd оf one еvеrу time thеу hаvе a ѕеѕѕіоn. Always get paid in advance and never sell one-off individual sessions.


A gооd personal trаіnеr must bе сrеаtіvе. A cookie-cutter approach won’t cut it.  Fоr еxаmрlе, if a сlіеnt hаѕ lоw bасk раіn оr tіght hamstrings, you may have to adapt the day’s programme to accommodate that. If the client is feeling low and unmotivated but the sun is shining take them outside for a walk or run and just listen to them. Cоntіnuе to establish уоur vаluе bу hеlріng thе сlіеnt to rеасh anticipated gоаlѕ through your сrеаtіvіtу.


If уоu want tо be a ѕuссеѕѕful personal trainer уоu muѕt learn how tо market and рrоmоtе your ѕеrvісеѕ. You muѕt bе аblе tо identify whаt mаkеѕ you different thаn other реrѕоnаl trаіnеrs and present уоur strengths. Remember to ѕtаtе clearly whаt service you provide and уоur ability tо help specific сlіеntѕ reach thеіr gоаlѕ. Yоu can аdvеrtіѕе уоurѕеlf as a реrѕоnаl trаіnеr whеnеvеr уоu’rе іn рublіс by wеаrіng сlоthіng with your company name or logo, оr ѕоmе оthеr іndісаtіоn of whаt уоu dо. If someone asks what you do don’t just reply ‘I am a personal trainer’. That is just your job title. What you actually do is help people overcome a problem. For example, your reply could be ‘I help mothers lose their baby weight whilst building confidence and self-esteem’.


Onе of thе mоѕt common reasons personal training buѕіnеѕѕеѕ fail іѕ ѕіmрlу thе іnаbіlіtу to еѕtаblіѕh and mаіntаіn a steady сlіеnt bаѕе. High сlіеnt turnоvеr аnd lоw client retention rates mаkе it hаrd tо run a рrоfіtаblе buѕіnеѕѕ. Build a community that people want to be part of. Rеmеmbеr yоu can hеlр реорlе іmрrоvе thеіr lіvеѕ, build relationships аnd make a great lіvіng аt the ѕаmе time!

Personal Training Success

Promote your fitness brand | Partnership with Perfect Print

As a fitness professional, an understanding of how to promote your fitness brand is really important. As I have discussed before, building a business is not like the movie Field of Dreams, the words ‘If you build it they will come” does not apply to business.

So you need to actively seek out new customers if you want to become fully booked. You will also have a much better chance of converting customers into clients if you have a strong, attractive, trustworthy, and professional brand.

The words “If you build it they will come” does not apply to business.

The details of how to create a great brand are beyond one article however a great first step to promote and start to give your brand exposure is to have some professionally designed print.

Professionally designed print to promote your brand

Personal Training professional Printing

Professionally designed print immediately gives a positive impression of you and your fitness business. Over time it will also increase brand recognition. The more people recognise your brand the more likely they are to trust it and feel comfortable purchasing from it. That’s why we prefer to purchase TVs made by Samsung than by Dave’s Tellies. We have heard of Samsung but we haven’t heard of Daves Tellies. Dave could be the best TV engineer the world has ever seen but we haven’t heard of him. So good design can attract potential customers and give an organised, professional, and well-established air to your fitness business.


Examples of Branded Print

  • Letterheads
  • Compliment slips
  • Business cards
  • Leaflets/flyers
  • Posters


When you launch your fitness business you want to keep your costs to a minimum so some business cards with an offer and an obvious call to action would be a very effective and low-cost start.

With that in mind, we are really excited to tell you that we have a great partnership with Perfect Print.

Promote Fitness Brand

They are giving an exclusive 15% discount to graduates of Storm Fitness Academy. Another great benefit of joining our academy 💪.

Tackling Mental Health Issues with Exercise

The mechanisms underpinning the connectedness of physical exercise to mental health and wellbeing are complex and multi-layered. In a previous article, I looked at the brain and the physiological changes that take place. In this article, I’m going to discuss the psychological side of things and how the chemical changes induced by exercise, go on to affect mood, behaviour and feelings, therefore playing a big part in tackling mental health issues.

The World Health Organisation now ranks depression as the single biggest contributor to global disability with anxiety disorders ranking sixth. The last published figures in England state that 6 people in every 100 have anxiety problems and 3 in every 100 have depression, with as much as 12% of the UK population suffering from depression each year.

Treatment of mental health issues is usually via anti-depressant medication.

Could exercise play a greater part in tackling mental health issues?

A number of studies have demonstrated how exercise can reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. The strongest evidence for exercise’s role in the treatment of mental health is on depression, with both aerobic and strength training having beneficial impacts. Even more, there are multiple extra benefits of exercise compared to anti-depressant medication: few side-effects, very low cost, it doesn’t have the negative stigma, it’s available to everyone and it’s a great empowering and self-management tool.

The evidence for exercise

  • The government’s Start Active, Stay Active report states that adults participating in regular daily activity have approximately a 20-30% lower risk of developing depression and dementia. That is significant.
  • Other studies have shown that exercise improved symptoms in people diagnosed with depression when compared with no treatment or a controlled intervention, such as social activity when seated.
  • A large review of 49 randomised control trials investigated the effect of exercise on anxiety and found physical activity to significantly reduce anxiety when compared to a control group.
  • The benefits of exercise seem to be elevated for individuals with greater levels of anxiety and depression as there is more room for potential change.
  • Aerobic exercises using large muscle groups, including jogging, swimming, cycling, walking and dancing were all shown to boost mood and alleviate negative mental health issues over a period of 10 weeks.
  • One study found that running for 15 minutes a day reduces the risk of major depression by 26% and that maintaining an exercise schedule of the longer term has also been shown to prevent relapse.
  • Interestingly, some research comparing physical exercise effectiveness with that of medication or cognitive behavioural therapy, another type of treatment, has found no significant differences between the interventions.

Why is exercise so powerful in alleviating the mental health burden?

There are a number of theories with more research still needed, but it’s clear that exercise can have a number of positive impacts on mental health on multiple levels.

On the physiological level, we’ve seen how exercise impacts the brain. Crucially for those with depression, exercise can stimulate parts of the brain that aren’t responsive during depressed periods. Physical activity promotes all kinds of neural growth and brain activity that cause greater feelings of wellbeing.

Exercise has a key social side too. It gets people out of the house and interacting with others. Also, completing an exercise session really does give a sense of achievement, which is heavily linked to increases in self-esteem and confidence.

Here’s a quick rundown on how exercise can positively impact mental health:

  • Increases self-esteem
  • Increases social interaction
  • Stimulates the release of beneficial brain chemicals 
  • Improves confidence
  • Enhances cognitive function
  • Boosts mood
  • Impacts the brain’s reaction to stress
  • Gives someone a purpose and focus
  • Acts as a distraction from negative thoughts

The ‘dose’ of exercise doesn’t have to be particularly high either to stimulate internal change. Thirty minutes a day of moderate exercise is a great ball-park figure. Analyses of studies in combating anxiety revealed that exercise interventions were most effective at moderate or high intensity. 

The evidence points to exercise being a key remedy for mental health issues. If not wholly then certainly as part of a rounded solution. There currently seems to be too much reliance on a solely medicated solution, whereas it seems clear that exercise can either act as a standalone treatment or as part of a combination of treatments in treating mental health disorders. It certainly shouldn’t be overlooked as an intervention.

Take-Home Messages

  • Exercise significantly reduces the risk of developing depression and can stimulate parts of the brain that aren’t responsive during depressive periods.
  • Scientific studies have found physical activity to significantly reduce anxiety when compared to control groups.
  • Exercise has many, many positive impacts on mental health, such as increasing self-esteem and confidence, increasing cognitive functioning, focus and the brain’s reaction to stress.


Earn a passive income | Partnership with Workout Depot

Although working as a personal trainer or coach is very rewarding, our income is usually restricted by the number of hours we are prepared to work and how much we can charge for the hour. Trainers and coaches can have a more lucrative business doing what they love if they also earn a passive income.

Earn a passive income with Workout Depot?

We are very excited to announce that Storm Fitness Academy is proud to partner with Workout Depot to offer our graduates half-price fees on a programme selling platform.

Earn a passive income


Workout Depot is the leading online platform for fitness professionals to sell their programming & workout plans online. Providing a complete solution for fitness professionals to expand their audience, generate additional income, and thrive online.

Individuals of all abilities, from those just beginning their fitness journey, through to seasoned athletes, rely on quality programming and workout plans to help them train for & achieve their goals. Following quality programming allows individuals to access the expert knowledge and expertise of a fitness professional, removing the guesswork & uncertainty from their training.

Meeting this demand for programming provides fitness professionals with a scalable income stream. One that can complement in-person PT sessions without proving a drain on time and resources. Selling programming & workout plans online allows fitness professionals to build their income outside of the gym floor and access a wider customer base.

The platform was designed with the sole focus of enabling fitness professional to sell their plans to a wider audience, whilst removing the expense and hassle required to create & maintain an eCommerce presence. Selling with us streamlines the process of selling programming, allowing fitness professionals to effectively market & sell their plans online, creating more time to spend coaching clients & creating quality programs. When signing up, each seller creates their own personalised seller portal. List & market workout plans, track sales & analytics, communicate with customers. The seller portal contains all the tools a fitness professional need to thrive selling workout plans online.

At our core, we believe that selling workout plans online should be; simple, efficient & affordable. Selling on our platform comes with no costly monthly subscriptions or listing fees. Only ever pay a fee when a plan is sold. We designed our platform to ensure that professionals selling with us could only ever make money & build their income. Through your affiliation with Storm Fitness, you can now get half-price fees for three months!

Start selling your programming today!]