Bone is living tissue mainly made up of a protein called collagen but it also contains minerals and salts. Inside the bone there are living cells: Osteoblasts (cells that help form bone) Osteoclasts (cells that help eat away old bone) Osteocytes (mature osteoblasts that have ended their bone forming role) The actual process of bone formation is called ossification. During ossification, […]

14th October 2015

To help us identify bones they have been classified according to their shape. There are five bone classifications that all bones come under.   Long Bones A long bone is a bone that is longer than its width, such as the femur, humerus, ulna, radius, tibia, fibula, metacarpals, metatarsals, and phalanges.   Short Bones A […]

12th October 2015

Skeletons are not just for freaking people out on halloween! The skeleton in fact has six really important functions.   Shape To provide a bony framework for the body and to give it shape. Protection To support and protect certain vital internal organs. For example the cranium protects are extremely precious brains. Movement To act […]

12th October 2015

There are 206 bones in the human skeleton. Wow that is a lot of bones to remember. Well thankfully, we don’t have to remember 206 names. For example there are are 33 bones just in the vertebrae. We can also divide all the bones up into two sections: The axial skeleton  The skull, vertebrae, ribs, sternum. […]

12th October 2015

Bones aren’t just for dogs to chew on, they are living tissue with a complex structure that consists of the following components. Cancellous bone (spongy bone) This part of the bone gives it elastic strength to resist compression forces. Compact bone This part of the bone is solid, strong and resistant to bending. Diaphysis   This […]

9th October 2015

The last article looked at where we can get great carbohydrate sources from. This final article on macronutrients will discuss the importance of fat. Myth busting: Eating a low-fat diet is the key to weight loss. Ok so first of all a “fat-free” label doesn’t mean you can eat all you want without increasing your […]

23rd February 2015

Last article we looked at proteins but lets not forget the importance of carbohydrate too. Carbohydrate is an important macronutrient because it is a useful source of energy. By including carbohydrate in your diet you will spare your protein from being used to provide energy instead, allowing it to focus on it’s main role of growth […]

16th February 2015

Every cell in the human body contains protein as part of its structure. Without protein the structures would break down and the cells wouldn’t function. Therefore, if you want your body to run like a Rolls Royce, eat an adequate amount of protein. If you don’t consume an adequate amount of protein, it’s more likely […]

9th February 2015

Be the Best The reason customers hire personal trainers is that they are confident that the personal trainer has the methods and the knowledge to get them to where they want to be, whether that’s to a certain body weight or to develop another area of their fitness.  Also, on top of that something even […]

4th February 2015

  Manage your CPD If you want to develop a successful career in any industry then continuing professional development (CPD) is essential.  Those that are best at what they do and reap the benefits from being the best of what they do, have become very proficient at managing their CPD. Now for many of you, […]

4th February 2015

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