What is your USP (unique selling point)?

What's your unique selling point?

It doesn’t matter what industry you work in there is likely to be plenty of competition, and the fitness industry is no exception.

You have the mission planned, you have the vision of where you want to go and you have a lovely set of core values to guide you along the journey – but without an idea of what makes your business stand out from the competition, you may not get the volume of business you hoped for.

What is your USP?

Identifying your USP is essential so that you can help your customers make the right decision when choosing who to purchase from.  Personal trainers are going to have a lot of generic selling points, but these are not what you should be highlighting to your enquiries.

Examples of USPs that are too generic to be unique

  • One to one training
  • Nutrition advice
  • FREE home programme
  • Health tests and fitness tests included

Instead, highlight what you do that other personal trainers in your area may not. The more unique the better (providing it is actually a selling point). A personal trainer that delivers every session dressed as a minion would be pretty unique but not a very good selling point!

Examples of a personal trainers USPs that could be unique in your catchment area and a good selling point

If you train clients in their homes then highlight the following

Delivered in your home: I can come to you so you don’t even have to leave the house or enter a scary gym

If you also run a group exercise class why not make that FREE for your one to one PT clients

FREE bootcamp class: All my PT clients get free access to my group exercise class where you can meet others and make some great friends

If you focus on training bodybuilders or fitness models and have experience, then make that clear.

Tailored bodybuilding prep: Get expert advice from a former competitor to include meal planning, training periodisation, body composition analysis

Think about the customers you want to market to and what is important to them.

At Storm Fitness Academy we specialise in delivering nationally accredited fitness qualifications to busy individuals that have other commitments such as work and family. Therefore, we aim to make it as assessable as possible for those individuals so that they can build a career doing something they love without any barriers getting in the way of their dreams.

A selection of Storm Fitness Academy USP’s

Immediate Start   1-2 -1 Coaching Interest Free Payment Plans

For more information or advice, call Jon on 01273 613014 or email info@stormfitnessacademy.co.uk


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