Identifying the core values of your fitness business

Identifying the core values of your fitness business

Our last article in our ‘building a successful fitness business series’ was on writing  a vision statement, once you have your vision and your mission planned you should then think about how you want to conduct yourself and your business during its mission.

Identifying the core values  of your fitness business is best done as early as possible for two reasons:

1) So that you remain grounded as your business grows and becomes more successful

2) Measuring the success of your business by the number a sales and profits it makes is not enough, you also need to be confident that your business is not just making money but helping people in the process.

The aim is to build a business that you honestly believe is making a positive contribution to society. No amount of money will substitute the feeling you get from knowing that you are enriching the lives of others.

When identifying the core values of your business try to think about what you believe is important and what you feel strongly about. It could be anything from being environmentally friendly to simply being kind to others. Once you have identified enough values to sum up your personal beliefs they will become the foundation of your fitness business. They may also be referred to as the culture of your fitness business. Every time you make a decision with regard to the direction of your business you will refer to your core values. If your business grows and you have others working for you they must also be made aware of these values and how their role contributes to them.

Storm Fitness Academy is based on the following core values:

  • Move
  • Connect
  • Learn
  • Give

You may not think you have any any core values but you will. They have been ingrained into your core personality for so long that you probably don’t give them any conscious thought. Think long and hard about what you belief to be important because your fitness business should be a reflection of that.

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