Writing your Fitness Business Mission Statement

Your now a qualified personal trainer and keen to start building your business so like every good business owner you start by writing a business plan.

The first section of a business plan is all about your mission and your vision. This is pretty sensible as you can’t really plan much else until you know what your aim is and what you want to build. So let’s start with the mission statement.

Rocket Launch

 Mission Statement

Quite simply this statement should describe three things:

  1. Your aim
  2. Who your targeting at
  3. What the outcome will be

For example, our mission statement is ‘Helping fitness enthusiasts become fitness professionals”.

  1. Aim = Help
  2. Target = Fitness enthusiasts
  3. Outcome = Become fitness professionals

It’s short but sweet.

The mission statement isn’t a long statement that sends your customers to sleep – it is just a few words that sum up your business.

Before you begin writing your mission statement try researching the mission statements of some well known reputable companies, some are as little as three words. Then with some inspiration, you can start getting some ideas down.

Don’t forget to keep it concise, and include your aim, target market and your outcome.

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