What hours do personal trainers work?

this article explains what hours personal trainer should work

When I first qualified, I was eager to get clients. I would work every hour under the sun if needed. Early morning, late nights and weekends. This was ok for a while, but then I burnt out, became resentful, and my relationships suffered as I had no work-life balance.

Don’t make the same mistake I made. Decide which hours you want to work and build a customer base around those hours.

My trainers often ask me ‘What hours do personal trainers work?’? I respond to the question in the video below.


I’ll say it again. Work the hours you want to work and build a community around those hours.


If you want help to build a fitness business around the hours you want to work, check out our bulletproof Business Course. Create more time, more money and more happy clients.

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